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Natural Camel Milk Soap With Broccoli

Natural Camel Milk Soap With Broccoli

37,00 AED

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Emad Amin
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تجربة ممتازة وسريعة وانتم شركة محترمة
Soha Amer
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عايزه اشكركم جدا على المنتج هو فعلا ممتاز ، وانتم فعلا شركة محترمة وجادة ربنا يوفقكم
مدام ياسمين
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بجد انتو ناس فى منتهى الاحترام وانا هعمل ليكو اعلان محصلش لان ملقتش احترام كده والتزام كده الف شكر ليكم
Ahmed Ramzy
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انا الاوردر وصلى النهاردة وبجد عجبنى جدا ماشاء الله ده اول تعامل وان شاء الله مش هيكون اخر تعامل طبعا
Mostafa Khaled
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اول مره اشترى حاجة اونلاين وتطلع احسن من الفيديو والكواليتى حلوه جدا
Eman Ali
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منتجاتكم جميلة ومفيدة بجد كل ما ادخل موقعكم مملش وابقى دايما عايز اشترى فا بحييكم على مجهودكم ومنتجاتكم
Mona Mohamed
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شاكرة جداً لذوقكم لدرجة انى مش مصدقة اللى بتعملوه ، حقيقى انتم ناس صادقه محترمه جداً
Hesham Ahmed
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اشكر حضراتكم على الرقى فى التعامل وهذا التعامل يتوج لإدارة الأعمال الناجحه وشكرا جزيلاً

Camel Milk Soap is made by hand.

Made with a luxurious blend of olive oil, coconut oil and raw Shea butter, with the addition of rare medicinal natural oils from organic natural herbal extracts and 33% of our premium fresh camel milk, it is gentle on the skin, luxuriously moisturizes and treats what has been spoiled by nature and harmful changes to your skin. You might wonder why we add camel milk – so simple:

its amazing skin-loving properties. Rich in alpha hydroxy acids, vitamins, minerals and anti-inflammatory proteins, camel milk adds a level of nourishing skin care not found in traditional synthetic soaps. Alpha hydroxy acids help gently rejuvenate skin, while vitamins and minerals promote healthy growth.

Combined with the moisturizing and healing properties of existing natural oils, you will find that with regular use, you will have more youthful, younger-looking skin with moon-radiant complexion. As for the benefits of broccoli for the skin: Broccoli maintains the health of the skin, gives it vitality and freshness, thanks to its containment of vitamin C and E, and antioxidants that work on the production of collagen that maintains the youthfulness of the skin and gives it youth. The antioxidants in broccoli treat signs of aging, premature aging, the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation. Broccoli protects the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Broccoli provides a clean complexion as it reduces the chances of acne breakouts, enhances skin tone and improves darker areas

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