About Us
We previously formed the idea that camel milk is an essential component of Camellish skin care products, and from here also the brand name and brand were chosen as camel milk is the main component of all Camellish products.
Camel milk has many innumerable properties and has a great effect and many Among the benefits that the skin needs in all its types and degrees, it does not contain a lot of fats and thus does not increase skin fat and does not help in its multiplication, and also contains vitamin A / B12 / C.It also contains sodium, potassium and antioxidants.
so it nourishes the skin and treats it from pimples, suppuration and psoriasis, removing spots and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and greatly helps to germinate tissues, renew cells, lighten the skin and get rid of the effects of fatigue and aging.
this is also done with the help of carefully selected natural oils that we extract from the finest types of natural organic herbs to benefit from them according to the characteristics of each type separately, including natural olive oil, argan oil, jojoba and almond And coconut, etc.,
among the types of oils, and then also the use of natural organic herbs that have a strong effect on Camellish products in the freshness of the skin, restoring its vitality and repairing what is spoiled by the harmful sun rays or aging factors, as we use herbs, vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of benefit to care for the body and skin. Hence the magic formula for skin care products and natural soap, camel milk + natural oils + Natural herbs + essential oils, thus they are 100% natural and do not contain any chemical or industrial additives, as they are made for you with love
Our vision
After the world developed and became vulnerable to viruses and diseases, Camellish had a special vision that in the coming period, the use of preventive and precautionary conditions would increase, and then the use of soap, cosmetics, and prevention, especially natural, whose production did not include any harmful chemical elements. Hence Camellish’s vision for the production of cosmetics from raw materials and oils Natural in addition to an essential purifying component with many benefits that contains vitamins and antibiotics, which is camel milk, as during the next five years and before the year 2025, the choices of natural product number one will be transformed to the customer instead of using this manufactures, in addition to the use of natural cleansers, natural oils and natural remedies. Camellish Healing Natural oils is a natural alternative to medicines and drugs.