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Thyme oil

Thyme oil

175,00 AED

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Customers Reviews😍👇🏻

Emad Amin
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تجربة ممتازة وسريعة وانتم شركة محترمة
Soha Amer
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عايزه اشكركم جدا على المنتج هو فعلا ممتاز ، وانتم فعلا شركة محترمة وجادة ربنا يوفقكم
مدام ياسمين
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بجد انتو ناس فى منتهى الاحترام وانا هعمل ليكو اعلان محصلش لان ملقتش احترام كده والتزام كده الف شكر ليكم
Ahmed Ramzy
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انا الاوردر وصلى النهاردة وبجد عجبنى جدا ماشاء الله ده اول تعامل وان شاء الله مش هيكون اخر تعامل طبعا
Mostafa Khaled
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اول مره اشترى حاجة اونلاين وتطلع احسن من الفيديو والكواليتى حلوه جدا
Eman Ali
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منتجاتكم جميلة ومفيدة بجد كل ما ادخل موقعكم مملش وابقى دايما عايز اشترى فا بحييكم على مجهودكم ومنتجاتكم
Mona Mohamed
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شاكرة جداً لذوقكم لدرجة انى مش مصدقة اللى بتعملوه ، حقيقى انتم ناس صادقه محترمه جداً
Hesham Ahmed
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اشكر حضراتكم على الرقى فى التعامل وهذا التعامل يتوج لإدارة الأعمال الناجحه وشكرا جزيلاً

Benefits of thyme:

1- Thyme helps treat whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, and phlegm. It also helps to facilitate the exit of popular mucus, soothes and soothes the bronchi, as it is drunk from boiled thyme and its oil is also used in breast fat before bed

.2- Thyme strengthens the immune system, strengthens the muscles, prevents hardening of the arteries, and strengthens the heart muscles.

3- Thyme is considered a pain reliever, antiseptic and a stimulant for blood circulation

4- Thyme treats urinary tract infections and bladder, cures renal colic disease and lowers cholesterol

.5- Thyme helps expel gases from the stomach, prevent fermentation, and aid digestion and nutrient absorption.

6- Repellent of fungi and parasites, such as Ambia that causes dysentery, and kills microbes because it contains Alcarvcrol.

7- Thyme is considered an astringent plant as it treats cases of diarrhea. Thyme is preferred to be taken with olive oil.

8- Thyme contains antioxidants.

9- Eating thyme with olive oil is very beneficial for strengthening memory, speeding up the retrieval of stored information, and easing absorption.

10- Thyme helps revitalize the scalp skin and prevent and intensify hair loss.

11- Thyme is also useful for toothache and gingivitis, especially if cooked with cloves. It is recommended to chew it while it is cold, and it also protects the teeth from decay, especially if it is chewing when it is green.

12- Thyme treats throat, larynx and tracheal infections.

13- helps the body to sweat in cases of heat and diseases.

14- Thyme is mixed with the ointment to treat warts.

15- It is used in the manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics, soaps and deodorants.

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