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Camel Milk Soap, Green Tea And Jasmine

Camel Milk Soap, Green Tea And Jasmine

37,00 AED

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Customers Reviews😍👇🏻

Emad Amin
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تجربة ممتازة وسريعة وانتم شركة محترمة
Soha Amer
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عايزه اشكركم جدا على المنتج هو فعلا ممتاز ، وانتم فعلا شركة محترمة وجادة ربنا يوفقكم
مدام ياسمين
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بجد انتو ناس فى منتهى الاحترام وانا هعمل ليكو اعلان محصلش لان ملقتش احترام كده والتزام كده الف شكر ليكم
Ahmed Ramzy
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انا الاوردر وصلى النهاردة وبجد عجبنى جدا ماشاء الله ده اول تعامل وان شاء الله مش هيكون اخر تعامل طبعا
Mostafa Khaled
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اول مره اشترى حاجة اونلاين وتطلع احسن من الفيديو والكواليتى حلوه جدا
Eman Ali
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منتجاتكم جميلة ومفيدة بجد كل ما ادخل موقعكم مملش وابقى دايما عايز اشترى فا بحييكم على مجهودكم ومنتجاتكم
Mona Mohamed
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شاكرة جداً لذوقكم لدرجة انى مش مصدقة اللى بتعملوه ، حقيقى انتم ناس صادقه محترمه جداً
Hesham Ahmed
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اشكر حضراتكم على الرقى فى التعامل وهذا التعامل يتوج لإدارة الأعمال الناجحه وشكرا جزيلاً

is the best choice not only for the unparalleled benefits of camel milk on the skin,

it is non-greasy and thus prevents the emergence of pimples and pimples and the formation of fat, but it does not allow the appearance of wrinkles and signs of aging, but it gives the skin vitality and purity and helps to build cells and repair What has been spoiled by nature and the factors of exposure to the sun and dust, and thus it prevents dryness of the skin as well as it is a very effective treatment for psoriasis and eczema, but it adds to the skin vitality and radiance and prevents its suppuration.

Hence, Camellish discovered many studies about green tea and its benefits, so it was a wonderful combination of the properties of camel milk and natural oils with their characteristics The therapeutic and magical properties of green tea as it contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and has oxidizing and anti-aging properties as green tea extracts contain the well-known polyphenols that work against lipid peroxidation in the phospholipid bilayer layers that work against the effects of these aging, unlike catheters, proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates and fats such as Linoleic, caffeine, and dyes such as chlorophyll and a Linoleic acid and vitamins such as E, C, B, where the results showed the dazzling effects of green tea on the skin and its health in moisturizing the skin, improving the texture and appearance of the skin, and working against skin pathogens

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